Music Group 2022-03-23

Mexican Composers

       Celebren, publiquen — Manuel de Sumaya

aka Manuel de Sumaya, aka Manuel de Zumaya, lived c. 1685-1755. Submitted by Myndall.

       Symphony No. 2, "India" — Carlos Chávez.

Submitted by Scott. This work by Carlos Chávez (1899-1978) has three main themes which are melodies from the Huicholes or Cora of Nayarit, the Yaqui of Sonora, and the Seris of Tiburon Island in Baja California, supplemented by secondary themes, some of which are also quoted fro the folklore.

       Concierto del Sur — Manuel Ponce

"Concerto of the South", performed by Andres Segovia, 1958, with the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra. The concerto was written for Spanish guitarist Andres Segoviak who premiered it in 1941. Submitted by Scott. Sample the first movement, second movement (at 13:01), and third movement (at 19:28).

       Canción de cuna (2019) — Samuel Zyman

Samuel Zyman, one of Mexico's leading living composers, is a "long-time New York-based professor of music theory and analysis at the Juilliard School." Submitted by Lewis.

       Comic relief for this topic.

Submitted by Mike.